Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Video games and images become Science or Math if measurement is built into them, Edward Tufte

The philosophy is that a scientific image isn't a scientific image unless it has a scale of measurement built into the image. Here then are some ideas for building measurement scales into 3D images. (Also, the opening chapters of Visual Explanations and Beautiful Evidence, provide examples of scaling of 3D images.)
Call out a specific element, via annotation perhaps, and state its size. The call-out should be imbedded in the image.
Tie an object of known size to the image. [dime shows size of bug below]
For example, the diameter of Earth isn't all that much greater than the Cassini division. That tells a lot about Saturn's size; also the Cassini division shows a foreshortening perspective effect and thus the scale is carried around Saturn in perspective.
Show the changing size of the Earth dot at a number of prominent locations in the depth dimension."  
from Edward Tufte's forum, http://www.edwardtufte.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=0002cI
Therefore, for a video game to become math or science education, just add measurement to it.  Instead of turning "so much" have the child type in a number or use a protractor that shows angles. 
Make Your Stuff protractor is at: http://www.lawrencegoetz.com/protrac.htm

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Playing to Learn, Maria Andersen

Wait a couple seconds for this to load. Click arrows to see each slide.
Playing to Learn, slide show by Maria Andersen, http://prezi.com/a3unzv9j_t0k/playing-to-learn/
suggested by Chris Gagnon

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Create your own 3D Games, beta available

There's a beta release of a 3D game maker.  Here's the email I received this morning. 
AgentCubes Beta
News from AgentSheets, Inc.
AgentCubes Beta 1...  
3D Authoring for Everyone is improved!  

The AgentCubes Beta Forum is buzzing.  We're listening, and we wanted to pass along the improvements.

AgentCubes Beta 1 is ready!  If you've been waiting  for the latest and greatest, you can still get the Beta pricing during our Beta period.  But don't wait too long, we're working quickly toward release!

AgentCubes Beta 1 is available now.  When you join our community of Beta users, you will receive the full-featured version when we release it AT NO ADDITIONAL COST!
Their Mission is close to mine: "Our mission is to foster K-12 student participation in STEM fields through motivational applications based on AgentSheets technology. We provide a broad swath of students with revolutionary instruction in computational thinking and design that motivate them to explore computer science education and careers. " 
AgentCubes Beta Special Pricing:

AgentCubes Beta is available for $49 during the Beta period.  With purchase, you receive:
  • confirmation,
  • purchase and download instructions,
  • access to both the Beta user Forum and the AgentCubes Arcade,
  • the Final Release Version of AgentCubes when it is released for NO ADDITIONAL COST (msrp $129).

Friday, November 11, 2011

Learning Innovation, Nov. 15, 2011

Learning Innovation: The Future of Play in Education
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Location: The Regional Learning Alliance, 850 Cranberry Woods Dr., Cranberry Township, PA 16066

This unique event features presentations from Diana Rhoten, the Senior Vice President of Strategy for News Corp, and Andy Russell, the co-founder of Launchpad Toys.

Come out and discover the changing landscape of children’s education, and find out the new criteria for great kids products and creative play. Learn about new frontiers in the design process, and how leading-edge companies are researching play patterns, kid testing and education technology in general. Don’t miss this one-of-a-kind event at the intersection of innovation and education.

Diana Rhoten
How is existing knowledge shared? How is new knowledge created? As a researcher and strategist, Diana has dedicated her professional life to exploring these questions and testing their answers. Diana has been designing and evaluating educational policies and programs, organizations and technologies since she began her career as an educational analyst in Massachusetts. ...

Andy Russell
Andy is an educational media producer and a co-founder of Launchpad Toys, creators of Toontastic for the iPad. Inspired by the movie BIG and a lifelong obsession with small brightly colored plastic bricks, Andy is a graduate of Learning Design programs at Stanford and Northwestern and has worked for companies like Hasbro and Sony PlayStation to design playful learning experiences for kids. One day when this start-up thing is over, he hopes to rebuild his family's ice cream business. 

International Event: Play, Learn, Build & Share, At TEDxYouthDay events

Play, Learn, Build & Share: At TEDxYouthDay events around the world, speakers and performers share their great ideas with audiences of youth. November 19-21, 2011. 

Here's an introductory video about it: http://tedxyouthday.ted.com/intro-video/
I think it's funny that this is a great "play" event (and the participants appear to be having fun) but they are all saying the same thing in unison, which isn't entirely a creative event for the youth in the video!

Well, I'll keep listening for the local Pittsburgh event and let you know what I find out.  It happens Nov. 20th here.  TED is a great place to listen to unique ideas presented--free videos at http://www.ted.com/ .